Stronger in community

DSC04978Always climbing upwards!

As many of you know if you have read my recent blogs, I have been processing the recent suicide of a dear friend, my ex-partner. This loss has hit me much deeper than my previous losses mostly because of the sudden impact and that I was not in contact with him a few months before his death.

This loss is my story yet I know you can relate to loss at some point in your life. We have all experienced the same feelings; anger, frustration, sadness, joy, happiness, and confusion. How we process these feelings may be where we differ.

Since his loss I have been blessed with so many gains. I am in touch with his family again. His best friend and I have supported each other emotionally through this loss. I have asked for help when I needed support. I have also allowed myself to be alone and then in community when I felt the need.

During this time I have also continued to recognize the importance of the healing work I do, either as an energy healer or health coach. The clients entering my life asking for assistance reflect many of my struggles and show the strength I have so I can empower them where they are.

There were numerous times in my earlier years that I contemplated suicide because I did not feel alive. Now, I feel so alive the energy runs through me easily and freely. I have been blessed with an amazing life with struggles I have been able to work through on my own and with the support of others. I am overwhelmed at times by feelings of gratitude.

I will prosper because I believe in myself yet honestly there are times I feel fear. I recognize it and ask the universe for help. In turn I receive people and situations that can help me.

I am reminded everyday of how blessed I am because I have a career I love, surrounded by friends and family, am physically healthy, and find abundance in all I do.

I want to share with you how grateful I am for you and for being in my life. You are not alone, rather in community. So if you feel alone or lost at any time please reach out to either myself or someone else. You deserve abundance and prosperity in your life.

Thank you for being a part of my life.

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