Thank you Mothers, gift for you!

      Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing mothers!

Not a day goes by that I don’t talk to my mother and thank her for all that she’s taught me. I share with her my frustrations, my hopes, my adventures, and so much more. She’s become such a better listener now that she’s in heaven as she doesn’t interrupt with her advice. ha ha!! Although I do miss that too, especially her voice.

I remember the first time I was able to share my gift of Reiki with her and was so excited about it. Normally, it was her taking care of me and now I could take care of her so she could relax. It was fall 2011 and I had just taken a semester off of graduate school so I could focus on being with her at home as she had surgery to remove a tumor from her spine. She had been diagnosed with cancer that month.

She laid down on the massage table I set up in my parent’s living room with the drapes open to look over the ocean (that was for my personal benefit). I began with my customary routine; confirmed she was comfortable, turned on soft meditation music, and placed lavender oil on my hands so she could smell it as I placed them a few inches above her nose.

I then began to move my hand over her body looking for energetic blocks and placed crystals over the areas so they could pull the stuck energy. Using my hands I slowly moved from the top of her head towards the bottom of her feet. During this time I heard her gentle snore and I smiled for I know how hard it was for her to fully relax and allow someone else to take care of her. Finally, when I finished her session (both front and back) I gently called her back to the present.

She mentioned how relaxed she felt and her pain had greatly decreased. The look on her face confirmed that. I then made her a relaxing tea and we sat down to talk.

Reiki has been a relaxation tool that I could share with people in person and remotely with amazing benefits for the recipient. I’ve been able to travel around the world offering healing services and share Reiki within multiple cultures. I’m also privileged to teach Reiki to anyone willing to learn (check out my local classes below).

For this Mother’s Day I want to give back and share with the first 10 mothers who respond to this email will only pay $85 for 2, 45 minute relaxing stress release session. Yes, that’s 2 for the price of 1. Special ends June 30, 2018.

Yes, gift certificates are available. Purchase 1 for your mother today, she’ll totally appreciate it.

Click here to book an in person Mother’s Day session (scroll all the way down) or call/text me to schedule a remote session or purchase a gift certificate. 

You deserve time to simply lay back like my mother did many years ago and just let go as someone loves on you.
P.S. Receive a special essential oil gift in exchange for a video testimonial after your session.

Love and hugs,

Paty,  La Mariposa  ​​​​​​​

Grateful for Mom every day

It wasn’t too long ago that around this time I would be searching online for flowers to send to my mother for mother’s day and a heartfelt card, regardless if I was home or traveling. Now, I stand on the beach where she used to walk and imagine her next to me. My mother passed away in 2014, 3 years after her body battled cancer and chemotherapy. Every day I give thanks that I was by her side when she took her last breath. Every day that she was in the hospital I would give her Reiki to help her body relax.
Reiki, Japanese energy healing technique, has empowered me to be more in tuned with my body and become more sensitive to energy. Usually I feel my mom (and other loved ones who’ve passed) when I sit outside on the beach (or nature). I close my eyes and just breathe. Sometimes I cry and sometimes I smile. Whatever I feel I just allow it to be without judgement as I know it’s my body releasing pent up stress, otherwise known as energy.
Recently, I began to work with a new client who lost an adult child a few years ago and is really struggling. The pain has been intense yet this client is finding hope in various ways, which I support. One of the techniques I will be teaching this person is Reiki as it allows the body to heal naturally by removing blocked energy. I will be teaching my client Reiki remotely, a new opportunity that the universe recently placed in my lap.
In 2013 I became a Reiki teacher as I was on a mission to share this amazing healing technique with whoever wanted to learn. I was inspired by Reiki to help with stress and grief after learning the first level in 2009. Honestly the reason I learned was to help Yoli while she was finding the best way, her choice were natural techniques, to defeat the cancer that was consuming her body. Since then,I have been incorporating it into my life and my profession with a long break after Yoli passed. Yet once I began to understand Reiki the more I embraced being a teacher.
My first Reiki workshop was alongside my friend and yoga instructor, Libby in Costa Rica. It was a successful weekend workshop on a quiet beach on the Costa Rican coast. My parents came as my mother was taking the class and to support me on this endeavor. I had the honor of teaching her Reiki and Libby taught her yoga. It was amazing on so many levels.
That’s my mom to my right.
My mom back right. She gave it all. 🙂

To me, Reiki is a spiritual love connection. It doesn’t always offer a direct explanation yet it helps the body to chill so it can heal however that needs to be. It helped me move through my grief whenever I lost a loved one or was struggling through emotional stressors. Now, I’ve created my own reality with a successful healing business so I can continue to serve people in a way that’s unique and beneficial too so many people. I know my mom would be so proud of me. Shoot, I’m super proud of myself. 😉

So this Mother’s Day we (brother, his family, and my dad) will raise a glass of wine in my mother’s honor and celebrate her life. I’ll send her a blessing into the heavens along with a kiss.
This mother’s day give a mother (your mother or any mother you love) a big hug and say thank you for her dedication to ensuring you are fed, taken care of, and loved.
How will you celebrate Mother’s Day this year?
Feel free to reply to these emails as I’d love to hear from you.
Pass this email along to someone who may benefit from it as we all need love everyday!
Paty, La Mariposa
PS. Join me on YouTube Live on May 17 at 7pm as I talk about Reiki; real or woo woo. Click here to join live on May 17.
If you’re in Miami join me for my upcoming Reiki 1 class in English and Español.

Celebrating all Mothers

Mothers are women who dedicate their lives with unconditional love to their children

Growing up I used to love Mother’s Day as it was a tradition between my sister and I to make breakfast for our mom, buy her flowers, and make her a card. As I grew older and traveled more, the tradition lessened as I wasn’t physically present, so I would send her flowers or gifts and a card. Plus, I would always call her in the mornings because I knew it brightened her day.

Now, I celebrate Mother’s Day either at the cemetery or spending time with my family; father, brother, and his family. Although she’s gone, we still honor her and click our wine glasses to her memory. It has now been 2 years since she has passed,  yet it seems like yesterday when I was cooking for her and watching funny movies. I miss her everyday and am so thankful for her presence in my life. As my mother’s health decreased our roles reversed as I became the caretaker and she received. It was a truly humbling experience for both of us and I am grateful for it.

Rudy's Family - Images for WEB-22

Choosing to be a mother takes courage, dedication, and unconditional love among many other attributes. These are virtues that become stronger as both you and the child(ren) continue to grow. A mother, doesn’t simply mean biologically speaking as I know many mothers who have adopted, fostered or taken in children through various means.

I may not understand all the trials and tribulations a mother goes through because I have never given birth nor raised a child for long periods of time, yet I have worked with numerous women who are are so burnt out and stressed because they feel they have to be everything for everyone yet have forgotten to take care of themselves or worse, feel guilty because they want personal time.

The closest I have been to being a mother was in my 20s when I helped raise my ex-boyfriend’s young child for the 2 years we were together as the mother was unfit physically and emotionally. Being a mother in this respect and also in my career as a social worker, brought me to a new understanding of mothers, regardless of how children came to be a part of their lives. Now I’m the godmother of my 5 year old nephew and I take seriously the role of being present with him to the best of my abilities with the understanding that I take full responsibility of him in case something happens to my brother and his wife.

I believe the role of mothers or people with mother-like tendencies want to to ensure that the children in their care (teachers count too) are given unconditional love (may not like all that kids do, but love them regardless. Being a mother is one of the most challenging and rewarding roles because it entails taken on numerous responsibilities from meeting all of their needs; physical, mental, spiritual and emotional plus perhaps being a spouse, employee, student, caretaker, etc. Also, I have witnessed it is a role that never ends as children (myself included) usually return home for one reason or another.

As our world has become more industrialized and we require more needs to feel fulfilled, mothers have many more roles than before which is daunting. Most mothers I have seen rely on being superwoman, meaning you take care of it all without much help. However, that soon leads to burnout because you’ve taken on so much on your own without too much support. This can then lead to chronic illness, fatigue, headaches, digestive issues, etc. As the African saying goes,” it takes a village to raise a child,” meaning it takes everyone in the household, external family, and community to help mothers.

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare. Audre Lorde

This mother’s day I challenge you to find ways you can release some of your responsibilities, even for a day or two, and remember what it’s like to be a woman. What are ways you can love yourself unconditionally? Massage? A day to yourself? Chores done by others? Husband cooking and caring for kids? Family meeting to discuss chores delegation? Whatever it is ask for what you want, stop holding back what you truly want to say.

Allow yourself to be pampered by telling those around you what it is that would bring you joy and happiness on this day and everyday. This allows you to receive love and support which offers balance as it is more common within the roles of being a mother to give more than to receive.

Thank you for taking on the responsibility and role of caring for your children, our future, so they may grow up kind, loving, and peaceful into this world. I know you take this role very seriously and I appreciate you for all you do, just as I appreciated my mom while she was present with us.

Book a Healthy Check-In Session with me and let’s discuss how you would like to receive more love and support in your life. I’m here to support you with a step-by-step plan to balance your life, embrace your power, and focus on health.