Celebrating Fathers


Happy Father’s Day!

Let’s celebrate and honor the men who’ve taken on the role

as a biological father or a dad that raised us throughout our lives

on this special day There are a few men within my tribe who are fathers

or have a father-like role to loved ones and I bless you.

Even if our fathers have passed on, let’s give thanks for their teachings,

whatever they were for they helped shape us into who we are today.

Fathers have usually taken on the role as protector and provider, yet that role

has changed throughout the years as women have become providers while

fathers stay home with their children.

I was raised by a father who was more of a provider as he traveled for work

which caused him to be away 1-2 weeks a month. Growing up I yearned for him

and was constantly disappointed because he’d be traveling whenever I wanted

his company. Now as an adult I’m so grateful to have a father who loved his family

so much he believed at that time that it was his only option. My father has his faults

as every human being does and I’ve learned through observation so much about him,

plus just asking him questions that I couldn’t growing up. For many

years I struggled with my dad’s decisions which affected all of us at various times.

I also realized that I was very short fused and impatient just like him which annoyed

me even more. I recall a family member at a party pointing out the root reason

when I was in my teenage years about a wrongful decision he made that cost us dearly that crushed my soul.

Through years of awareness, making different choices, and releasing expectations

I’ve come to love and appreciate him for the man he is, thus releasing my

anger and disappointment. I focus now on appreciating him rather than judging him.

Thanks to his enjoyment of traveling around the world with his family, I’ve incorporated

traveling as a joyful experience in which I can also call work. My healing journey

has also been addressed through energy medicine and and other modalities so I could

release the energetic ties.

I’ve learned that transformation is an ongoing process that requires me to become

aware of my thoughts and emotions that lead to specific actions. One of the biggest

areas to focus on is releasing expectations. This is so hard yet necessary to

release stress within our bodies.

Father’s day is a time to celebrate the man who’s in your life spending time with you

in his way, not always how you expect him to be. One of the ways is through

forgiveness. If this is an area that you struggle with, then let’s talk for it doesn’t really

help you to hold onto anger and bitterness.

Let’s release your anger through conversation and energy medicine so you can

feel freer and happier.

Schedule a discovery call with me today.

One of the ways I celebrate father’s day is by writing a thoughtful and grateful card for

my brother and father as they are still with me.

How do you celebrate Father’s Day?

Love and hugs,

Paty,  La Mariposa  ​​​​​​​

Putting Yourself First Is A MUST

Transform Your Life and Balance Your Life Holistically

Mariposas Transformation Online Group Program 

Do you ever feel like you are:

– Isolated and trying to do your personal development all alone?

– Going from workshops to books to audios, without a foundation or scalable plan for your holistic wellbeing?

– Walking a path yet unsure if it’s the right direction for you?

– Feeling frustrated because your thoughts seem to overwhelm every step you take?

– Running around in circles, feeling like you’re taking action but STILL not getting where you think you should be?

I have felt your pain!!

Time and time again these questions and feelings surfaced for me as I felt unbalanced, without purpose, and sadly felt alone more often than not.

In a world with billions of people in it, I found it to be such a sad experience because honestly there’s no need to experience this loneliness.

Truth is we live in developed countries yet sometimes it doesn’t feel as such because we’re constantly being told through marketing and society what we need to do, say, or wear in order to feel fulfilled and enough.

I have come to find out that instead of fighting against the status quo and wearing masks all the time to take my power back by coming to a place of inner peace, trust, and self love exactly how I am.

Within my personal practice and using my holistic balance assessment I’ve been able to arrive at a place of doing less and being more as I have released feelings of GUILT so I can focus on what’s more important; practicing self care and self respect. I have arrived at a place of feeling completely fulfilled and satisfied.

I’ve learned that I don’t have to do this inner work alone for there is immense power of health and healing, when we connect with a group of likeminded people, in a safe space and supportive environment.

I now apply these experiences and tools into my professional practice and have been leading my clients individually through my signature system called Mariposas Transformation with remarkable success.

I’ve taken a step forward and created a group online program so I can offer this to more people and to enhance the community I’ve been building.

The program is open to a small group of 10 people as I really want to create an intimate setting so everyone can be heard.

Let’s join together – combining our right and left brain, our hearts, and spirituality with holistic wisdom, fun, and inspiration in a confidential and healing environment.

Are you ready to put yourself first for a change?

Are you ready to embrace and trust your own body’s wisdom and to nourish all parts of who you are?

You’ll excel in this group program if:

  • You have an intention and vision for your calling towards wholeness and wellbeing as you define what it means to you.
  • You’ve made the leap and declared that you are making yourself a priority
  • You’re excited about listening and speaking to others who are going through similar struggles and exchanging tools.
  • You’re prepared to commit to a group process that is only limited by the amount of energy and commitment you put into it.
  • You’re willing to let go of limiting beliefs, old stories, and toxic patterns so you can do what you must to become who you really are.
  • You’re finally ready to devote yourself to your own unique and authentic path.
  • Both inner and outer components of your nourishment need renewed attention.
  • You’ve worked with me in the past and you’re ready to do this in a group program.

This group program is NOT right for you if:

  • You’re at the very beginning of discovering your motivation behind creating a life that you love and don’t yet have an understanding of your personal development
  • You don’t like working in a group and community setting…you prefer one-to-one support.
  • You’re not coachable and are unwilling to receive feedback and insights to help you get out of your own way.
  • You’re not interested in being vulnerable and truth telling about your journey.

I’ll be launching the program May 21 which is a super duper special day as it marks the day Yoli, my sister transitioned 8 years ago. I dedicate this launch to her.

Doors for the program will be closing May 15th so respond to this email today to secure your spot.

Your Investment:

Option 1: Pay in full by May 8, $450 and receive a complimentary remote energy healing session which you can schedule anytime.

Option 2: Recurring payment plan: $100 a month, beginning when you register for the program and continuing that same day every month.

First 3 people who sign up will receive an individualized guided meditation specific to your needs.

If you have any questions please feel free to hit reply and let me know.

Love and hugs,

Paty Mariposa  ​​​​​​​

Preparation and prayer during Hurricane Irma.

Even before Hurricane Irma was en route towards Florida through the Caribbean I was already beginning to feel the ground moving beneath me.
This month was set (and still is) to be the most productive and business focused in a long time. I’m feeling more and more confident about my path as a business owner and healing potential. I’ve been receiving new clients from various directions and i have various projects and collaborations in the works.
Yet, just when I felt the most confident situations beyond my control began to unravel. My virtual assistant has been unable to work for me because she’s endured countless health issues during her second pregnancy. The partner I was working with to establish my new project, Natural Wellness Clinic, is no longer at the Gables Optimal Health Center.
Now, hurricane Irma is shifting every day as she moves towards the US. Last night I led a prayer through Facebook Live for the Heavens to hear our plea and shift Irma to the right so we receive less damage than what’s broadcasted.

I know prayer is not enough just like simply wishing for something to happen. Action is also needed and for the past few days I’ve taken steps to prepare myself, my family, and the tenants who live in the properties I manage for my father. I’ve also cancelled appointments and activities a few days before and after the storm so I can focus on the situation at hand.
I also just enlisted to be on the American Red Cross volunteer list because I know regardless of how the Hurricane comes through there will be damage and loss. I want to be on the front lines offering others who are struggling more than myself.
This storm mirrors my inconsistency in my life and also dedication to help others. I feel confident we will be okay and my decision to remain in Miami despite pleas from loved ones was the right one.
All I ask of you is that you continue to embrace Hurricane Irma in love so she moves more to the right and dissolves peacefully into the ocean. Please also add Hurricane Jose who’s right behind her.
Thank you for being a part of my expanding family.
Love and light,

Paty, La Mariposa, Hernández

Mindfulness with Syrian Refugees!

Last Saturday, July 8, I had the pleasure of collaborating with Elizabeth, one of my Reiki students and Lai Fan an acupuncturist I met recently to offer mindfulness techniques to 3 Syrian families. Although we met only for an hour or so, everyone left feeling so happy and grateful to have shared in this beautiful experience.
It all began when Elizabeth asked if I would be interested in putting together a mindfulness class for Syrian refugees that were living in South Florida. The families are supported by Gulf Coast Jewish Family & Community Services for Trauma. Of course I said yes, because I had been itching to volunteer for sometime and thought it would be an interesting experience. The event was titled, Mommy and Me Mindfulness event as it was geared for moms and children. It would be the first of its kind to be held through this organization in South Florida and hopefully not the last.
Elizabeth and I chose mindfulness activities that could be easily explained with few words because we expected that the women would speak little English and weren’t sure if we would have an interpreter. One of the activities was to have Lai Fan put seeds in a specific ear point which promotes stress release. Apart from myself and Lai Fan, no one had any idea about ear acupressure. If you haven’t experienced this I highly encourage you to try, especially since seeds are used and not needles. Plus, you can keep the seeds in place for up to 2 days so you can self-soothe and then take the bandaid off.
We decided to have Lai Fan put the seeds on myself and Elizabeth first so everyone could see how the experience was. She then went around the room to put the seeds on the others. Everyone, except two kids said yes.
Lai Fan and Elizabeth
Fortunately, Lai Fan’s husband spoke Arabic and so he was our unofficial interpreter which we were so grateful for, especially the Syrian women. We began the class with an icebreaker I learned while serving in the Peace Corps, called Move like this. The idea is that each person says their name and creates a movement, then everyone repeats it. It’s a great way to begin any class with laughter and silliness. Then we dove into the mindfulness practice.
As we only had an hour we chose 5 mindfulness techniques which we also reviewed at the end of the class.
  1. Ear acupressure
  2. Deep belly breathing (expand your belly as you inhale and suck in with exhale)
  3. Inner Ease Technique
  4. Mindful Eating
  5. Connecting to your body with tapping on specific acupoints
Of the 5 techniques most said they will practice the deep breathing and mindful eating tips.
Teaching inner ease technique
The highlight of this day was being able to collaborate and share simple techniques to assist others who are feeling stressed, which after all is my life’s mission. Going across borders, we offered an afternoon of engagement, education, and a chance to try something new. We all left feeling fulfilled and content This was a fun opportunity and experience to share with people on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.
Volunteering your time in any capacity is an opportunity to give to others without expectation. It truly warms the heart and builds upon community.
Have you had an opportunity to volunteer this summer? If so, please share with me as I’d love to hear from you.
Pass this blogs along to someone who may benefit from it as we all need love everyday!
Thank you for being a part of my expanding family.

Paty, La Mariposa

PS, Remember to join Our Wheels of Life, Fun in July Challenge

Celebrate your independence

Can you believe it? We are now more than half way through 2017! If you haven’t yet, go ahead and take a few moments now or schedule some time to reflect on your intentions for when you began the year and where you are now. Don’t complicate it, simply think about what you stated and where you are now.
Have you accomplished what you set out to do? Or are you still feeling as though you’re gasping for air?
I’ll be honest, I’m not a big fan of new year goals, but I do make it a point of creating a theme for the year. For 2017 it’s “limitless abundance and reflecting back I feel that I’m doing very well as my business is growing, I’ve been offered a part-time position within social work, I’ve moved into my own apartment, my physical health is great, and I’m dedicated to doing the best that I can.
As we move forward into July and approach Independence Day let’s focus on gratitude for what we do have, the freedoms, the abundance, the family, the opportunities, etc. Yes, it’s not perfect, however, when we focus on what we do have that’s going well then it begins to dim what we are struggling with. Afterall light does outshine darkness. It’s also about continuing to take imperfect action. If you don’t like something or someone, what are you doing about it? Complaining or taking action?
All seriousness aside, this July I want to put some fun back into the summer with a Fun in July Challenge 2017 (#funinjuly2017) which will happen within Our Wheels of Life Facebook group. The challenge is for each day you do something fun and post it, either via video or picture in the group. I created this challenge as a push for me to ensure that I have more fun and to be creative. So I double dog dare you to join me and have more fun as we embrace our inner child’s silliness.
Feel free to reply to this blog as I’d love to hear from you. Pass this blog along to someone who may benefit from it as we all need love everyday!
My purpose is to empower you on your healing journey and my mission is to offer you health-related insights, practical tips, inspiration and stories that will support you in living balanced towards a happy and healthy life as you embrace your joy and purpose.
Thank you for being a part of my expanding family.
Paty, La Mariposa

Graduating through transitions!

As we head into summer many of us are celebrating the end of school with graduation ceremonies for our loved ones. Many schools choose to hold celebration ceremonies to honor each student for their hard work and dedication, regardless of what school year they are in. For parents it means their children are transitioning into a new grade with more responsibilities or a new lifestyle if they are headed towards college.

Within the school of life, however, there isn’t an official graduation day which identifies the ending of one chapter and the beginning of another. Life just continues to flow with daily responsibilities and challenges, with some feeling the weight of what we are learning or experiencing heavily on our shoulders or feeling it elsewhere in our bodies.

The school of life is a concept I use and that of being a perpetual life student. This frame of mind encourages me to remain curious about each experience regardless of its intensity and it is one I share with my clients. Each problem I believe is really a challenge that requires you to approach it with curiosity and compassion for yourself and others. If you think of each situation as your worst teacher, say one that criticized you often or even slapped your hand whenever you didn’t answer correctly, then you will stay with the fear of doing the right thing that works for you. However, if you recall your most supportive teacher who listened and encouraged you to make your own decisions regardless of it was right or wrong you would be optimistic of making your own decisions. It works the same way in regards to looking at the problems you are facing. You have a choice of how you are going to react. If you choose to blame others, stay angry or upset when situations don’t go as you expect and focus on frustration because you can’t control others, you are prime for a breakdown either mentally or physically due to the stress you keep on yourself. Yet, if you view it as a student and you’re trying to figure out the best possible solution you can save yourself lots of pain and suffering, especially when you reach out to others for help.

Recently I was speaking with a new client about a problem she was facing. She was stressed about her current situation because she felt burdened about taking care of someone she wasn’t expecting to. Her anger carried into focusing all of her attention on this other person and neglecting her own self-care. Throughout our discussion I listened as she released, which she admitted she hadn’t shared with others before and then we identified at least one self-care technique she can bring back into her life in a realistic way.

After our discussion she received a stress release energy session and said she felt so much better and at ease. She admitted the knot in her throat was gone (talking and the energy release supported that) and she felt better, especially now that she had someone to release to and an activity to plan in her week.

The point is the problem didn’t go away that she was having but she found solutions that would help her manage the situation and release some of the stress she was carrying. Looking through the eyes of a student you become more powerful as you realize you have more options in front of you then the feelings that were holding you back.

By remaining locked in feelings of anger and resentment you actually give your power to others, whether they know it or not, yet when you problem solve and talk it out (not think it out for it mainly goes round and round without resolution) then you identify what is important to you, what are you able to control, and what are some solutions that you can bring to the surface that can help you move through the situation.

Stay curious regardless of what age you are and embrace the School of Life and the lessons it offers you every day.

To all the graduates, congratulations on your next venture and may you have continued success in all that you do.

Join me for meditation time every Wednesday at 8am for Facebook Live in Our Wheels of Life Facebook group, or watch the recording after.

Feel free to reply to these emails as I’d love to hear from you.

Paty, La Mariposa

Going Live tomorrow

Excuse the intrusion so early into the week but I wanted to share an important announcement. Tomorrow, I’m breaking through my fear of showing up by doing 2 live videos via social media. Excited?? You should be because you get to participate in discussions with me about forgiveness and energy medicine. Details below!
Part of my fear of showing up is due to insecurities since childhood of being laughed at or worse not taken seriously when I had something to say (I was bullied often). So, now I’m taking imperfect action and know I will improve each time I show up.
Join me in taking imperfect action through a fear you have.
I’ve been wanting to do videos for awhile now but I keep coming up with excuses for why I come with excuses of not doing more videos (which I’ve been asked to do). So, tomorrow night I’m taking an idea out of my head and presenting it for the world to see, releasing attachment of who will see. I want to show up in the world with my message of releasing stress through natural healing techniques.
As my tribe of mariposas, people constantly transforming towards greater love, I would love your support and honest feedback. Please show up tomorrow or put it in your calendar to watch for later. Share my message with others if you find it useful. Most importantly, let me know what you thought of my webinar and what more would you like to hear (inspire me).
Tomorrow I’m excited to share that I’ll be doing two live videos.
Video 1; First I’ll be doing a Facebook Live at 9am about forgiveness through an inspiring Facebook group called Lightworkers Rise Up, click here  to join. .
Video 2: In the evening I will be doing a Youtube Live video with a slideshow presentation on Energy Medicine, Real or Woo? It’s at 7pm. Click here to join live.
I’m really excited about stepping out of my comfort zone so I can gaze into your eyes through whatever screen you’re using. It’s an amazing concept.
Pass this email along to someone who may benefit from it as we all need time to focus on ourselves everyday!

Love and hugs,

Paty,  La Mariposa  ​​​​​​​

Let’s discuss ways to include more self-care into your life.
I’m here to support you with a step-by-step plan to balance your life, embrace your power, and focus on health.

Grateful for Mom every day

It wasn’t too long ago that around this time I would be searching online for flowers to send to my mother for mother’s day and a heartfelt card, regardless if I was home or traveling. Now, I stand on the beach where she used to walk and imagine her next to me. My mother passed away in 2014, 3 years after her body battled cancer and chemotherapy. Every day I give thanks that I was by her side when she took her last breath. Every day that she was in the hospital I would give her Reiki to help her body relax.
Reiki, Japanese energy healing technique, has empowered me to be more in tuned with my body and become more sensitive to energy. Usually I feel my mom (and other loved ones who’ve passed) when I sit outside on the beach (or nature). I close my eyes and just breathe. Sometimes I cry and sometimes I smile. Whatever I feel I just allow it to be without judgement as I know it’s my body releasing pent up stress, otherwise known as energy.
Recently, I began to work with a new client who lost an adult child a few years ago and is really struggling. The pain has been intense yet this client is finding hope in various ways, which I support. One of the techniques I will be teaching this person is Reiki as it allows the body to heal naturally by removing blocked energy. I will be teaching my client Reiki remotely, a new opportunity that the universe recently placed in my lap.
In 2013 I became a Reiki teacher as I was on a mission to share this amazing healing technique with whoever wanted to learn. I was inspired by Reiki to help with stress and grief after learning the first level in 2009. Honestly the reason I learned was to help Yoli while she was finding the best way, her choice were natural techniques, to defeat the cancer that was consuming her body. Since then,I have been incorporating it into my life and my profession with a long break after Yoli passed. Yet once I began to understand Reiki the more I embraced being a teacher.
My first Reiki workshop was alongside my friend and yoga instructor, Libby in Costa Rica. It was a successful weekend workshop on a quiet beach on the Costa Rican coast. My parents came as my mother was taking the class and to support me on this endeavor. I had the honor of teaching her Reiki and Libby taught her yoga. It was amazing on so many levels.
That’s my mom to my right.
My mom back right. She gave it all. 🙂

To me, Reiki is a spiritual love connection. It doesn’t always offer a direct explanation yet it helps the body to chill so it can heal however that needs to be. It helped me move through my grief whenever I lost a loved one or was struggling through emotional stressors. Now, I’ve created my own reality with a successful healing business so I can continue to serve people in a way that’s unique and beneficial too so many people. I know my mom would be so proud of me. Shoot, I’m super proud of myself. 😉

So this Mother’s Day we (brother, his family, and my dad) will raise a glass of wine in my mother’s honor and celebrate her life. I’ll send her a blessing into the heavens along with a kiss.
This mother’s day give a mother (your mother or any mother you love) a big hug and say thank you for her dedication to ensuring you are fed, taken care of, and loved.
How will you celebrate Mother’s Day this year?
Feel free to reply to these emails as I’d love to hear from you.
Pass this email along to someone who may benefit from it as we all need love everyday!
Paty, La Mariposa
PS. Join me on YouTube Live on May 17 at 7pm as I talk about Reiki; real or woo woo. Click here to join live on May 17.
If you’re in Miami join me for my upcoming Reiki 1 class in English and Español.

9 ways to empower your communication

How often have you become stressed out because you felt misunderstood or not listened to by someone? 
Communication, a major trigger point for stressful situations, is the foundation for how we interact with others. From individual conversations to talk shows; radio programs; clubs dedicated to public speaking; business meetings, etc.
Communication entails both verbal and non verbal ways. It’s not always what you say that hurts, it’s your actions that truly define the truth. certain rules still apply when it comes to interaction through words.
A tip I learned years ago while as an undergraduate that I repeat on a consistent basis is “Say what you mean, mean what you say, and don’t say it mean.”
What’s your  favorite tip that’s helpful when you communicate?
Let’s review ways to empower your communication so you can improve any relationship, especially with yourself. 
1. What you know
Education is all about learning the basics and to be an effective speaker is to practice what you’ve learned. Take classes at school, such as public speaking or drama to learn techniques. Or read more articles like this or watch videos related to communication. Most importantly get out there and make mistakes, then learn from them.
2. Listening
It’s just as important as asking questions. This is probably the hardest technique in communication. Take a moment to remember the last time you were conversing with someone and just as you were getting really into the story the person interrupted you to interject his/her own opinion. Truth is we all want to be heard and sometimes we also compete with others to ensure that we feel important. Fact is just allow the person to finish the conversation without personal interjection unless you have questions to encourage more details, will really allow the person to feel listened to.
3. Eye Contact
Put down that electronic gadget and look at the person speaking to you. By looking directly at the person who’s talking then you show you are fully engaged and that you care about what the person has to say to you. There’s a lot to say when it comes to directing your attention to your audience with an eye-catching gaze. Regardless if you are speaking to an individual or a group of people, it’s important that you keep your focus.

4. Just kidding

Let your funny bone have a go at it when speaking to others. A little bit of humor can do wonders to lift the tension or worse boredom when talking. However, be mindful that your joke doesn’t offend others or is hurtful. Sarcasm is really the truth masquerading as a joke.

5. Join a tribe
Interaction is all about mingling with other people. By joining groups of people you feel comfortable in then you’ll get a lot of ideas, as well as observing how others communicate and learning new techniques you can incorporate.
6. Me, Myself, and I
Listening to the sound of your own voice while you practice what you want to say to an individual or a group of people will assist you in ensuring you are speaking from your truth. By speaking out loud what’s in your head you’ll hear what’s really true and what you’re projecting to others. With so many ideas and thoughts in our heads it can be overwhelming yet writing or speaking it out will clear it up in no time.
7. Say Cheese
A smile says it all much like eye contact. There’s no point on grimacing or frowning in a meeting or a gathering, unless it’s a wake. You can better express what you’re saying when you smile.
8. A Role Model
Find at least one or two people in your life you have listened to when they’re at a public gathering or maybe you’ve conversed with 1-1. Talk to them or observe how they communicate with others and identify techniques you would like to incorporate into your own life. I bet that they did the same thing so don’t think you’re “stealing” their moves. Rather you’re taking what seems possible for you and adapting it to your own way.
9. Preparation
Make the best out of preparation rather than just scribbling notes in a hurried panic. Some people like to write things down on index cards, while other resort to being a little more silly as they look at their notes written on the palm of their hand (not for clammy hands, please). This is helpful especially if you are facing a challenging discussion with someone. You can make a pointer list to identify all the points you want to discuss and why it’s important for you. Find the technique that works best for you and stick to it.
Communication is not just what you say but how you present yourself. These tips will help ensure you are present and focused regardless if you are speaking to one person or many people.
What was your favorite tip?
Feel free to reply to these blog as I’d love to hear from you.
Pass this blog along to someone who may benefit from it as we all need love everyday!
Thank you for being a part of my expanding family.

Love and hugs,

Paty,  La Mariposa  ​​​​​​​

Book a complimentary discovery session with me 

Let’s discuss any blocks you may have in your life or struggles with communication.
I’m here to support you with a step-by-step plan to balance your life, embrace your power, and focus on health.

Happiness is an intention

I found another happy place last Friday, March 17 as I attended the first annual World Happiness Summit in Miami during the day. Then I sat amongst hundreds of others as we listened to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar speak about meditation and happiness. Both events were energizing and filled with laughter, as well as, meditations. I was so moved and empowered by both events, plus all of the people that I met. I’m such a groupie when it comes to events, workshops, classes, etc. as they offer me more tools to lift myself in life plus I then share them with you, my tribe. They fill me up in ways that keep me on a natural high for days to come, plus inspire me with many more ideas.
Are you also a big fan of workshops and seminars?
I want to highlight some yummy nuggets of wisdom which I hope will inspire you as well.
From the World Happiness summit
  • No one person or situation has the power to take away my happiness
  • Love, happiness, knowledge strengthens self and increases vibration within the body
  • Stress is not the problem, it’s the lack of recovery from stressful events
  • Energy comes from our consciousness and flows into thoughts and then feelings then action
  • Energy has patterns
  • Make the choice to be happy no matter what
  • March 19 is now the official day of happiness in Miami
  • Happiness is an intention
From Sri Sri’s discussion on meditation
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder of Art of Living
  • Ask yourself, What can I do for the world?
  • Waiting causes restlessness (or anxiety) unless you can focus on meditation which calms the mind
  • Learn to slow down and discover beauty all around you
  • Meditation allows you to gain control of your mind
  • Meditation is about being still

How will you share happiness? 

Reply and share your favorite nugget that I shared with you as I’d love to hear what resonated with you.

Pass this blog along to someone who may benefit from it as we all need happiness everyday!

Thank you for being a part of my expanding family as we share happiness together.

Love and hugs,

Paty,  La Mariposa 

Join me for Whole Detox!
