Common spice reduces inflammation naturally

As a Health Coach, one of the most common complaints I hear from my clients and others is how their body feels bloated and uncomfortable. This is due to inflammation which is one of the leading causes of chronic diseases. One of the tell tale signs of inflammation si the infamous belly bloat. I began to research  for ways to naturally reduce inflammation and I came across a recipe (found below) for turmeric milk. Needless to say I liked it so much it has now become my go-to recipe and one I offer to my clients who mention the word inflammation.

Needless to say, those who put the effort into trying my suggestion have found incredible benefits within the first week they have used it. Below are two testimonials from clients who received the recipe.

Alex, “I started Turmeric Milk over a year ago and am amazed at how beneficial it has been to my digestive track. I have tried other things but nothing comes closer to giving me that cleansing feeling.”

Another client stated: “It stopped my diverticulitis symptoms. It’s a blessing to my health, thank you.”

The benefits of turmeric date back thousands of years and used often in recipes from India, Middle East, and Asia. Turmeric can be used in food for people and animals, facial, and even tie-dye recipes to name a few.


I found this great video on turmeric which discusses in greater detail the benefits of this amazing powder and various ways to use this. I personally use turmeric and black pepper daily to just about everything I heat up, especially rice, quinoa, fish/chicken, eggs, etc. I find it reduces my bloating and feelings of inflammation.

Turmeric* works best when added with a pinch of black pepper* and heated up with other spices for taste.

Add turmeric* to your shopping list now so you can use in most of your meals.

Turmeric Milk: Click here for a free chart to document your Turmeric Milk experience.

Reduce Inflammation Naturally with Turmeric Milk Tea 

Ingredients (Yield: 1 cup)

  • 1 cup non dairy milk
 (almond, coconut, rice)

  • 1/2 teaspoon dried turmeric

  • 1/2 teaspoon dried ginger

  • dash of black pepper

  • Optional stevia (you can use honey or coconut sugar)


  • Place non dairy milk in saucepan.

  • Then add turmeric, ginger, and pepper.

  • Stir and simmer and mix the ingredients (about 5 minutes)

  • Then let cool (this allows for the spices to infuse into the milk (about 5 minutes).

  • Add sweetener of choice and consume warm

Please share your favorite turmeric recipe or comments about this article by responding to or via social media #turmeric

Peace and love,
Paty, La Mariposa

Book a Healthy Check-In Session with me and let’s discuss any digestive issues you may have in your life. I’m here to support you with a step-by-step plan to balance your life, embrace your power, and focus on health.

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