Graduating through transitions!

As we head into summer many of us are celebrating the end of school with graduation ceremonies for our loved ones. Many schools choose to hold celebration ceremonies to honor each student for their hard work and dedication, regardless of what school year they are in. For parents it means their children are transitioning into a new grade with more responsibilities or a new lifestyle if they are headed towards college.

Within the school of life, however, there isn’t an official graduation day which identifies the ending of one chapter and the beginning of another. Life just continues to flow with daily responsibilities and challenges, with some feeling the weight of what we are learning or experiencing heavily on our shoulders or feeling it elsewhere in our bodies.

The school of life is a concept I use and that of being a perpetual life student. This frame of mind encourages me to remain curious about each experience regardless of its intensity and it is one I share with my clients. Each problem I believe is really a challenge that requires you to approach it with curiosity and compassion for yourself and others. If you think of each situation as your worst teacher, say one that criticized you often or even slapped your hand whenever you didn’t answer correctly, then you will stay with the fear of doing the right thing that works for you. However, if you recall your most supportive teacher who listened and encouraged you to make your own decisions regardless of it was right or wrong you would be optimistic of making your own decisions. It works the same way in regards to looking at the problems you are facing. You have a choice of how you are going to react. If you choose to blame others, stay angry or upset when situations don’t go as you expect and focus on frustration because you can’t control others, you are prime for a breakdown either mentally or physically due to the stress you keep on yourself. Yet, if you view it as a student and you’re trying to figure out the best possible solution you can save yourself lots of pain and suffering, especially when you reach out to others for help.

Recently I was speaking with a new client about a problem she was facing. She was stressed about her current situation because she felt burdened about taking care of someone she wasn’t expecting to. Her anger carried into focusing all of her attention on this other person and neglecting her own self-care. Throughout our discussion I listened as she released, which she admitted she hadn’t shared with others before and then we identified at least one self-care technique she can bring back into her life in a realistic way.

After our discussion she received a stress release energy session and said she felt so much better and at ease. She admitted the knot in her throat was gone (talking and the energy release supported that) and she felt better, especially now that she had someone to release to and an activity to plan in her week.

The point is the problem didn’t go away that she was having but she found solutions that would help her manage the situation and release some of the stress she was carrying. Looking through the eyes of a student you become more powerful as you realize you have more options in front of you then the feelings that were holding you back.

By remaining locked in feelings of anger and resentment you actually give your power to others, whether they know it or not, yet when you problem solve and talk it out (not think it out for it mainly goes round and round without resolution) then you identify what is important to you, what are you able to control, and what are some solutions that you can bring to the surface that can help you move through the situation.

Stay curious regardless of what age you are and embrace the School of Life and the lessons it offers you every day.

To all the graduates, congratulations on your next venture and may you have continued success in all that you do.

Join me for meditation time every Wednesday at 8am for Facebook Live in Our Wheels of Life Facebook group, or watch the recording after.

Feel free to reply to these emails as I’d love to hear from you.

Paty, La Mariposa

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