From Independence to Interconnection

A couple of days ago the United States celebrated the signing of our constitution which was written by men whose families came to this country seeking religion and social freedoms, what we call immigrants today. The fourth of July is usually represented by get togethers by family and friends for cookouts and fireworks. Not everyone agrees with this tradition based on numerous factors such as traumatic symptoms triggered by the fireworks, which is a right Americans have.

Truth is that the United States is one of the youngest countries formed Democratically by European immigrants and it’s sought out by citizens of other countries who are escaping torture, crime, death, and other horrors based on their beliefs. The traumas endured as they travel to the US can be horrendous at times and then they arrive to face another traumatic situation as families are ripped apart either at the border or even from their homes. This is a social and public health crisis happening within our borders that is affecting many people.

We all have our struggles and differences, sometimes we face them on our own unable to speak honestly about our ideas and values which is a sad truth. As a developed country we lack the interconnection many others embrace yet I believe that we can break through that so we can make a positive difference to influence our lives.

I believe that ignorance and fear is built by a focus of independence and that people who look and act differently from us are in some way wrong. I believe that in order to counter that it’s important for interconnection with others and nature. It’s through conversation and coming to the table that we can enact change. Yet, it begins with wanting to work with others.

When we judge others we hurt them for being individuals and we lessen the interconnection. Before you judge someone based on their values or personal choices, ensure you’re taking a look at yourself and remember the words to Michael Jackson’s song, Man in the Mirror.

Let’s take a stand today, together, to be more interconnected, to appreciate each other’s differences, and to be more loving towards ourselves and others. It’s through small and consistent actions that we can create change at least within ourselves.

There are so many ways to become involved so find one and let’s make a change together so people can heal. One way I chose to take action is by creating a prayer circle once a week so that we can join either via Facebook live or energetically to raise the vibrations of peace. If more people find hope within their hearts, there’s less chance to find fear. The circle will be in English and Spanish.

What do you choose, fear (independent) or hope (interconnection)?

Love and hugs,

Paty Mariposa 

 ​​​​​​​Online Events

Every Monday at 10pm est, Prayer Circle for Peace, Facebook Live

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